Elo Boosters Reviews - Elo Boosting Service - Verified Feedback

Elo Boosters - Customer Voice

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Featured Review brandon overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Silver IV
Silver I

Kind. Admitted when he made mistakes. Very sccomidating for my odd requests. Glad I had him or her as my booster

Elo Boosters Team

Thanks for great review! :)

Featured Review Lirimmz overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Platinum IV
Platinum III

Order was rated without description.

Featured Review baekon overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Gold I
Platinum IV

a little bit slow but really really good!

Elo Boosters Team

We can do faster! Next time will be better :P

Featured Review 2mrcarlos overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Silver I
Gold IV

Order was rated without description.

Featured Review empy206 overwatch confirmed review Verified Review
Gold I
Platinum IV

took him 9 days from start but i suppose 20bucks for 100lp in that time frame is fair. not complaning. thank you thank you thank you <3

Elo Boosters Team

Awesome feedback, ty!:)