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Recensione in Primo Piano NavoriSwiftblade overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Platinum IV
Diamond IV

4/5 out of 5 because nobody is perfect haha :P All I gotta say about SeekerBoy is that he was very friendly, very fun , we made jokes on chat , we talked about our common role he told me a few tips. He will help you with everything you need. He lost a few matches that was kinda not on his hand unfortunately. As I played one match against him (because I randomly queued up from my smurf at same time) I saw that he has pretty good sense of laning. He can carry games out of Diamond for sure. I totally recommend him !! Now as a service I am pretty dissapointed...Anyone who logs in on another's account to take an order SHOULD NOT USE CHAT at all. My account was flagged already and one booster (Faded) somehow said a few spicy things that led my account to restriction. I am really dissapointed because 1 year of good work now is done because I will lose the rewards for 3rd year in a row. 80 days are not enough to get 2 whole levels of honor, specially when you work all day long. I am satisfied by SeekerBoy's work but really disatisfied by how I got served.

Elo Boosters Team

You bet and we prove ;)

Recensione in Primo Piano jokim1989 overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Silver II
Platinum IV

Good and fast. A bit serious, but he has done the job very good.

Elo Boosters Team

Thanks! Good Luck in games!

Recensione in Primo Piano F3lix3s overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
Platinum II
Platinum I

did well but didn't use the chosen champions

Elo Boosters Team

Thanks, sorry about champions, sometimes you have to fit the team :(

Recensione in Primo Piano eximaikane overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
10 games

Order was rated without description.

Recensione in Primo Piano F3lix3s overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
10 games

Order was rated without description.