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Reseña Destacada Jensen overwatch confirmed review Revisión verificada
5 games

hmm was okey but only 3 out of 5 win in plat elo :(

Reseña Destacada NavoriSwiftblade overwatch confirmed review Revisión verificada
Platinum IV
Diamond IV

First time dropped my acc and order later . After a lot of boosters dropped my order until it hit plat 3 . Got my order dropped many times by many boosters and I really didnt like that , specially when a toplane players dropped it . He got my order for the second time and chose to finally go for it . Second time made it with a good winstreak . Marco did good , I was generally dissapointed by the general service . Also I will mention that last season he picked one order by me and dropped my acc from where the order started , thats why I put 3 stars . This time did better to be honest ... just with a little delay . Also I will mention this: Far too many order drops by many players and I dont understand why .

Elo Boosters Team

Hello! We are sorry that boosters dropped your order often. I believe there was a reason for it! Anyway thanks for your order, next time will be better for sure.

Reseña Destacada NSAcam overwatch confirmed review Revisión verificada
Platinum IV
Platinum III

Good win rate but doesn’t always play champs you select. Every order I’ve had with him it’s one or two games he plays with other champions

Elo Boosters Team

Thanks for ordering from us, glad you liked the service :)

Reseña Destacada Ebi overwatch confirmed review Revisión verificada
10 games

Order was rated without description.

Reseña Destacada Lefkii overwatch confirmed review Revisión verificada
Platinum II
Diamond IV

Order was rated without description.

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